We ship GREEN! - Climate-neutral shipping from DHL!
At Vetain, we are committed to a sustainable lifestyle on the one hand and a clean environment on the other. In addition to our aid campaigns for the rainforest and for social projects the sustainability of our products also plays a major role for us.
Every day, a courier arrives to collect all of our processed parcels and bring your delivery to you. We have been part of the DHL GoGreen environmental protection program since 5 October 2020. We offset all CO2 emissions generated during transportation and therefore ship climate neutrally.
In the next 3-4 minutes, you will find out how this works, what changes and what advantages it brings.
What does climate-neutral shipping mean and how does GoGreen work?
We send parcels and letters with DHLevery day. The shipping process emits CO2 and has a negative impact on the environment. As part of the GoGreen environmental protection program, the greenhouse gases produced during transport are then offset by climate protection projects. So for every Vetain parcel we send, we support a project that protects our climate in the long term.
In addition to offsetting CO2 emissions, the number of electric vehicles and cargo bikes in the DHL fleet is also increasing. This means less air pollution and less traffic noise in cities!
What will change for you?
The DHL/DP courier will still deliver your parcel safely and reliably (now also environmentally friendly). The previously mentioned surcharge of 0.10€ per shipment will of course be covered by us. And the tracking of the delivery will of course still work. So nothing is changing? Yes, because with GoGreen shipping you are doing something good with your order, as you are placing a climate-neutral order.
Advantages of GoGreen shipping summarized
Shipping through GoGreen...
- offsets CO2 emissions,
- also makes greater use of electric vehicles and cargo bikes,
- saves resources,
- supports climate projects in less developed countries,
- improves the air in cities,
- reduces traffic noise,
- is verifiable and transparent.
Calculation of CO2 emissions
The CO2 emissions generated by Vetain's mail and parcel shipments are first calculated in accordance with international standards. Once the data has been recorded and evaluated, the resulting emissions are neutralized in accordance with the strict guidelines of the GHG Protocol. This is monitored by an independent company and audited in accordance with ISO 14064. Finally, we receive a certificate from DHL about our emissions and a report about the projects we support.
Our recommendation
- Read more about the Mission 2050: Zero emissions "Going Green"
- Take responsibility and act for climate protection
- Find out about the online stores' shipping methods. With us you are on the green side!