Tierisches vs. pflanzliches Eiweiß: Was ist besser?

Animal vs. vegetable protein: which is better?

Animal or plant-based? Discover how both protein sources have different health benefits and environmental impacts and what this means for your diet.
Optimale Proteinquellen in einer veganen Ernährung für den Muskelaufbau

Optimal protein sources in a vegan diet for muscle building

Tofu is the only source of protein you know so far? Then you're really underestimating plant-based nutrition. This article shows you the best vegan protein sources.
Die häufigsten Protein-Mythen entlarvt

The most common protein myths debunked

What you really need to know about protein: Scientifically based facts refute common misconceptions and show you how to effectively manage your protein intake.
Ausgewogene vegane Ernährung für Fitnessbegeisterte: Ein praktischer Leitfaden

A balanced vegan diet for fitness enthusiasts: a practical guide

How do you combine a vegan diet with intensive training? This guide shows you, among other things, how to optimally integrate macro and micronutrients.
Trainingsmotivation steigern: Praktische Tipps und Tricks für nachhaltigen Erfolg

Increase training motivation: practical tips and tricks for sustainable success

Learn how to maintain your training motivation through realistic goal setting, varied training and self-care and stay successful in the long term.
Fitness-Motivation: Wie du Herausforderungen meisterst und deine Ziele erreichst

Fitness motivation: how to overcome challenges and achieve your goals

Transform your fitness journey with practical tips on overcoming challenges and building supportive habits to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.
Als Veganer effektiv Muskeln aufbauen? Ein umfassender Leitfaden

Building muscle effectively as a vegan? A comprehensive guide

Discover the secrets of successful muscle building with a vegan diet in this guide - from complete amino acid profiles to the right training routine.
Proteinreiche & vegane Rezepte für effektiven Muskelaufbau

Protein-rich & vegan recipes for effective muscle building

Building muscle with a vegan diet? Absolutely! Find out how you can achieve your fitness goals with delicious and protein-rich recipes.
So schaffst du es gesund zuzunehmen – Unsere Top 7 Tipps

How to gain weight healthily - our top 7 tips

Discover the importance of regular meals and snacks as well as targeted strength training for healthy weight gain with a vegan diet.