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Bundle Veganes Proteinpulver Zimt, Kakao und Vanille
Vegan Protein - leckerer Geschmack - vegan, bio und natürlich, frei von Süßungsmitteln
Vegan Protein Bewertungen
Vetain Nachhaltig
Vetain veganes Proteinpulver von Laboren geprüft
Vetain - über 30000 zufriedene Kunden - Vegan Protein
Sophia, Jonas

3er-Bundle Vegan Protein (Zimt, Kakao & Vanille)

Hol dir jetzt unser Powerbundle mit den beliebtesten Geschmäckern und teste dich durch. Dabei sparst du sogar fast 10%!

🌱 100% natürliche Bio Zutaten
😋 Leckerer, natürlicher Geschmack
❌ Frei von Allergenen & künstl. Zusätzen
✅ Nachhaltige Verpackung aus Papier
🌱 100% natürliche Bio Zutaten
😋 Leckerer, natürlicher Geschmack
❌ Frei von Allergenen & künstl. Zusätzen
✅ Nachhaltige Verpackung aus Papier
Sale price€80,97 Regular price€89,97
1.8 kg
(€44,98 /1kg)

Tax included. & plus shipping

Im paket enthalten:

In stock - 2-3 days delivery time

PayPal Mastercard Visa American Express Klarna Apple Pay
60 Portionen à 30g I Nur €1,34 pro Portion
30-day satisfaction guarantee
If you are not satisfied with our products, we will refund your money!
Tested by external laboratories
We regularly test all our products for harmful substances and heavy metals.

Vegan Protein Vanille (600g)

Zutaten: Erbsenproteinisolat* (67%), Hanfsamenproteinpulver* (9%), Reisproteinisolat* (9%), Süßholzwurzelpulver*, Leinsamenproteinpulver*, natürliches Bourbon-Vanillearoma, Guarkernmehl*, Kürbiskernproteinpulver*, gemahlene Bourbon-Vanilleschoten* (0,1%).

*Zutaten aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau.

Vegan Protein Kakao (600g)

Zutaten: Erbsenproteinisolat* (58%), Kakaopulver* (12%), Hanfsamenproteinpulver* (7,8%), Reisproteinisolat* (7,8%), Süßholzwurzelpulver*, natürliches Kakaoaroma*, Leinsamenproteinpulver*, Guarkernmehl*, Kürbiskernproteinpulver*, Ceylon-Zimtpulver*.

*Zutaten aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau.

Vegan Protein Zimt (600g)

Zutaten: Erbsenproteinisolat* (65%), Hanfsamenproteinpulver* (8,8%), Reisproteinisolat* (8,8%), Ceylon-Zimtpulver* (7%), Süßholzwurzelpulver*, Leinsamenproteinpulver* (2,6%), Guarkernmehl*, Kürbiskernproteinpulver*.

*Zutaten aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau.

² Brenn- und Nährwerte beziehen sich auf die Zubereitung mit Wasser. Alle Angaben unterliegen den bei Naturprodukten üblichen Schwankungen. Packung enthält 20 Portionen.

Veganes Mehrkomponentenproteinkonzentrat mit Pflanzenstoffen zur Zubereitung eines Proteinshakes.

Vanille: Vegan Protein Vanille (600g/BIO)

pro 100g pro Portion (30g)
Energie 1537 kJ / 367 kcal 461 kJ / 110 kcal
Fett 4,8 g 1,4 g
- davon ges. Fettsäuren 1,4 g 0,4 g
Kohlenhydrate 9,4 g 2,8 g
- davon Zucker 4,9 g 1,5 g
Ballaststoffe 6,2 g 1,9 g
Eiweiß 69 g 21 g
Salz 0,94 g 0,28 g

Kakao: Vegan Protein Kakao (600g/BIO)
pro 100g pro Portion (30g)
Energie 1510 kJ / 361 kcal 453 kJ / 108 kcal
Fett 6 g 1,8 g
- davon ges. Fettsäuren 2,5 g 0,7 g
Kohlenhydrate 7,2 g 2,1 g
- davon Zucker 3 g 0,9 g
Ballaststoffe 11 g 3,3 g
Eiweiß 66 g 20 g
Salz 0,82 g 0,25 g

Zimt: Vegan Protein Zimt (600g/BIO)
pro 100g pro Portion (30g)
Energie 1513 kJ / 361 kcal 454 kJ / 108 kcal
Fett 4,9 g 1,5 g
- davon ges. Fettsäuren 1,4 g 0,4 g
Kohlenhydrate 9 g 2,7 g
- davon Zucker 6,7 g 2 g
Ballaststoffe 7,8 g 2,3 g
Eiweiß 69 g 21 g
Salz 0,91 g 0,27 g

Aminogramm: Pflanzliches Aminosäureprofil
Pflanzliches Aminosäureprofil
pro 100g pro Portion (30g)
Isoleucin (BCAA) 4,7 g 1,4 g
Leucin (BCAA) 8,4 g 2,5 g
Valin (BCAA) 5,1 g 1,5 g
Lysin 6,9 g 2,1 g
Methionin 1,3 g 0,4 g
Histidin 2,5 g 0,7 g
Phenylalanin 5,5 g 1,6 g
Threonin 3,7 g 1,1 g
Tryptophan 0,9 g 0,3 g
Alanin 4,5 g 1,3 g
Arginin 8,8 g 2,6 g
Asparaginsaure 11,4 g 3,4 g
Cystein 1,2 g 0,3 g
Glutaminsaure 17,8 g 5,3 g
Glycin 4,2 g 1,3 g
Prolin 4,3 g 1,3 g
Serin 5,2 g 1,6 g
Tyrosin 3,7 g 1,1 g

Chemical Score: 142
PDCAAS: 0,78

Zwei gehäufte Esslöffel Pulver (30g) in ca. 300 ml Wasser/Pflanzenmilch lösen und genießen.

Eine Packung Vegan Protein enthält 20 Portionen (á 30g).

Leider gibt es immer wieder Berichte von Schwermetallfunden in Proteinpulvern (insbesondere in Reis, Soja & Erbsenprotein). Daher lassen wir jede Charge von unserem unabhängigen Partnerlabor Agrolab in Kiel untersuchen & zertifizieren:

Analyse auf Schwermetalle, Aminosäuren, Keime & Gluten (Untersuchungsergebnisse):


Gluten free




Low in sugar


Lactose free

Made in Germany

Made in Germany


Laboratory tested

Vegan Protein Vanille Veganes Bio Proteinpulver

Natural, super creamy & incredibly delicious

Schluss mit sandigen und künstlichen Shakes! Unser Vegan Protein besteht aus 100% natürlichen Bio Zutaten und ist so gut löslich, dass du deinen Shake sogar mit einem Löffel anrühren kannst.

Für einen leckeren Geschmack setzen wir echte Bio Fruchtpulver & Extrakte ein - ganz ohne künstliche Aromen, Allergene & Süßungsmittel. Daher ist das Proteinpulver auch besonders bekömmlich und auch bei Unverträglichkeiten geeignet.

Vegan Protein - vielfältig einsetzbar

Shakes, porridge or pancakes - an absolute all-rounder

Thousands of customers swear by Vegan Protein for good reason! It makes it easy to cover your daily protein requirements - even on stressful days.

The high-quality ingredients make it perfect not only for shakes, but also for baking and cooking.
Porridge, pancakes or even waffles become an absolute dream with our Vegan Protein.

It is heat-resistant and gives every dish a great consistency. There's no quicker or easier way to meet your protein requirements!

You can only get this from Vetain


Frei von künstlichen Zusätzen und Süßungsmitteln

Free from artificial additives & sweeteners

Bio-Zertifiziert und möglichst regional

Organic-certified and as regional as possible

Von Atlethen und Kunden empfohlen

Well tolerated and free from allergens

Unter strengen Standards in Deutschland produziert

Produced under strict standards in Germany

Unser premium bio 5-komponenten Protein

3er-Bundle Vegan Protein (Zimt, Kakao & Vanille)

Protein per serving


Kcal per serving




Nährwerte pro Portion (Vanille)

Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world. Probably the cleanest protein powder in the world.
Frei von künstlichen Zusätzen und Süßungsmitteln

Without artificial additives & sweeteners

With our vegan protein powder, we do away with all the artificial frills and instead rely exclusively on natural ingredients.
Keep it simple!

✅ Free from preservatives & anti-caking agents
✅ Free from refined sugar and sweeteners
✅ Free from artificial flavors
✅ Free from allergens

What makes vetain so special? here is a direct comparison!

Vetain vegan Protein Bundle Vanille, Zimt, Kakao
  • Exclusively organic ingredients
  • Real fruit powders & extracts
  • Delicious, natural taste
  • Well tolerated / no allergens
  • Paper can
Andere Proteine
  • Inferior ingredients
  • Artificial flavors & sweeteners
  • Chemical, oversweetened taste
  • Bloated belly after the shake
  • Packaged in plastic/aluminum

Quality & transparency first and foremost

Zufriedenheitsgarantie Vetain

Satisfaction guarantee

We want you to be satisfied! If you're not, we'll refund your money!

Bio und Laborgeprüft

Laboratory-tested & certified organic

All our products are made from the highest quality ingredients. We are also certified organic.

Mit Experten entwickelt - Vegan Protein

Developed with experts

All products are backed by the expertise of nutritionists, food technicians and doctors.

Ausgezeichneter Kundenservice

Excellent customer service

Good service is a matter of course for us both before and after the purchase. We will be happy to help you!

Das Vetain Team - Startup


As passionate athletes, we were almost desperate in our search for a good vegan protein powder.
Everything we tried either tasted extremely sandy, artificial or the nutritional values didn't match our expectations.

That's why we set ourselves the following goal: To bring the highest quality vegan protein powder with top taste and consistency to the market.


Vetain Umweltschutz - Mangroven pflanzen
Mangroves planted
Vetain Umweltschutz - Plastik sammeln
Saving plastic

More than 30,000 enthusiastic customers.

Many great people are already enjoying our products. Are you next?👇

See more reviews


The quality of our products is our top priority. That's why we work closely with nutritionists, doctors and independent laboratories to ensure consistently high product quality. We ourselves have tried 180+ different raw materials in 2 years and ultimately only used the best of them.

As we ourselves have struggled with intolerances, we have developed our vegan protein completely free from allergens such as gluten, nuts, soy and lactose. We also completely avoid artificial sweeteners and flavorings and only use natural organic ingredients and extracts. This means we can guarantee optimum digestibility - no more bloated belly after your protein shake!

An adequate protein supply is essential, especially during pregnancy. By avoiding artificial additives and carrying out regular laboratory tests for harmful substances, we guarantee optimum tolerability.

We had enough of artificial, over-sweetened protein powders. That's why we only use natural ingredients and real fruit powders. The taste is therefore very pleasantly natural and subtly sweet.

To ensure high bioavailability and a balanced amino acid profile, we use 5 different plant-based protein sources that complement each other perfectly. This enables us to achieve a Chemical Score of 162 and a high value.

We do not use any artificial sweeteners such as sucralose or acesulfame in our Vegan Protein. Instead, we use a small amount of liquorice root powder to underline the taste of the fruit powder & natural flavors. And don't worry: the amount of glycyrrhizin is so low that you can drink 3-5 shakes a day without any problems!

We don't put that in a can! 😉 We remain true to our values and are doing without a plastic measuring cup! However, the development of a sustainable scoop is already in full swing!

Your perfect complement

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High-quality organic products made in Germany

Independently rated by customers through Reviews.io

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