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Kreatin - Creatine - Kreatin Monohydrat kaufen Vetain
Vetain Creatin Kreatin Monohydrat Pulver für Sportler - Leistungsfähigkeit
Vetain Creatin Kreatin Monohydrat Pulver Vorteile
Vetain Creatin Kreatin Monohydrat Pulver 99,9% Reinheit
Vetain Creatin Kreatin Monohydrat Pulver im Vergleich
Vetain Creatin Kreatin Monohydrat Pulver Zutaten Nährwerte
Vetain Creatin Kreatin Monohydrat Pulver Laborgeprüft
Das sicherste Supplement Kreatin
Sophia, Jonas

Kreatin Monohydrat (250g)

Unser Premium Kreatin-Monohydrat unterstützt dich optimal dabei, deine körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.

🏆 Geschmacksneutral & Ultrafein
🌱 Vegan & hohe Reinheit
🥄 Perfekt löslich
✅ Kompostierbare Verpackung
🏆 Geschmacksneutral & Ultrafein
🌱 Vegan & hohe Reinheit
🥄 Perfekt löslich
✅ Kompostierbare Verpackung
Sale price€16,99
250 g
(€67,96 /1kg)

Tax included. & plus shipping

Im paket enthalten:

In stock - 2-3 days delivery time

PayPal Mastercard Visa American Express Klarna Apple Pay
50 Portionen à 5g I Nur €0,33 pro Portion
Satisfaction guarantee
If you are not satisfied with our products, we will refund your money!
Laboratory tested
We regularly test all our products for harmful substances and heavy metals.

Zutaten: Kreatin Monohydrat.

Kreatin Monohydrat (250g)

pro 100g pro Portion (5g)
Energie 0 kJ / 0kcal 0 kJ / 0 kcal
Fett 0 g 0 g
- davon ges. Fettsäuren 0 g 0 g
Kohlenhydrate 0 g 0 g
- davon Zucker 0 g 0 g
Ballaststoffe 0 g 0 g
Eiweiß 0 g 0 g
Salz 0 g 0 g
Kreatin-Monohydrat 100 g 5 g
-davon Kreatin 87,9 g 4,4 g

Verzehrempfehlung: 1 leicht gehäuften Teelöffel (5g) mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit einnehmen/in ein Getränk einrühren.

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel: Empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge nicht überschreiten. Kein Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung. Außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern lagern. Bei Schwangerschaft und in der Stillzeit, bei Einnahme von Medikamenten sowie bei Krankheit sollten vor der Anwendung Arzt oder Apotheker konsultieren.

Lagerung: Kühl, trocken und außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern lagern.

Wir lassen alle Produkte von unserem unabhängigen Partnerlabor Agrolab in Kiel untersuchen & zertifizieren:

Made in Germany

Made in Germany


Laboratory tested

Premium ingredients

Without additives

Without animal testing

Vetain Kreatin Monohydrat - steigert Leistungsfähigkeit

Supports your performance under high loads.

Creatine increases performance during strength training and helps you achieve your fitness goals faster.
Optimal support in bodybuilding, strength and fitness sports.

✅ Premium quality and high degree of purity
✅ Increases physical performance in high-speed strength training and during short-term, intensive physical activity.

Kreatin Monohydrat Geschmacksneutral und bestens löslich

Neutral taste & highly soluble

Our creatine is vegan and can be optimally stirred into water, juice or a protein shake.

Thanks to its high quality and ultra-fine grind, it dissolves completely and is also completely neutral in taste.

✅ Laboratory-tested quality
✅ Ultrafine with 99.9% purity



Frei von künstlichen Zusätzen und Süßungsmitteln

Free from artificial additives & fillers

Bio-Zertifiziert und möglichst regional

Premium quality & laboratory tested

Von Atlethen und Kunden empfohlen

Well tolerated and free from allergens

Unter strengen Standards in Deutschland produziert

Produced under strict standards in Germany

Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world. Probably the cleanest supplements in the world.

What makes vetain so special? here is a direct comparison!

Vetain Premium Kreatin Monohydrat
  • 99.9 % purity
  • Free from additives
  • Neutral taste & superfine
  • Compostable packaging
Standard creatine
Vergleich Standard Kreatin
  • <95% purity
  • With fillers
  • Poorly soluble
  • Packaged in plastic/aluminum

Quality & transparency first and foremost

Zufriedenheitsgarantie Vetain

Satisfaction guarantee

We want you to be satisfied! If you're not, we'll refund your money!

Bio und Laborgeprüft

Laboratory-tested & certified organic

All our products are made from the highest quality ingredients. We are also certified organic.

Mit Experten entwickelt - Kreatin

Developed with experts

All products are backed by the expertise of nutritionists, food technicians and doctors.

Ausgezeichneter Kundenservice

Excellent customer service

Good service is a matter of course for us both before and after the purchase. We will be happy to help you!

Das Vetain Team - Startup


As passionate athletes, we were almost desperate in our search for a good, sustainably packaged creatine monohydrate.
Everything we tried was either inferior or came in plastic or aluminum packaging.

That's why we set ourselves the following goal: to launch a high-quality creatine powder with no taste of its own and highly compostable packaging.


Vetain Umweltschutz - Mangroven pflanzen
Mangroves planted
Vetain Umweltschutz - Plastik sammeln
Saving plastic

More than 30,000 enthusiastic customers.

Many great people are already enjoying our products. Are you next?👇

See more reviews


The quality of our products is our top priority. That is why we work closely with nutritionists, doctors and independent laboratories to ensure consistently high product quality.

Creatine has been researched for over 200 years and is one of the few supplements whose effectiveness has been irrefutably scientifically proven and confirmed. Creatine can effectively and purposefully improve physical performance in both strengthand endurance sports . It also offers numerous other health benefits from which athletes can benefit in the long term.

We regularly subject our premium creatine monohydrate to independent laboratory tests to ensure the best possible quality. The creatine is ultra-fine ground and has a purity of 99.9%.

Your perfect complement

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High-quality organic products made in Germany

Independently rated by customers through Reviews.io

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Fast & climate-neutral shipping with DHL GoGreen