Als Veganer effektiv Muskeln aufbauen? Ein umfassender Leitfaden
Blog article

Building muscle effectively as a vegan? A comprehensive guide

Discover the secrets of successful muscle building with a vegan diet in this guide - from complete amino acid profiles to the right training routine.
Proteinreiche & vegane Rezepte für effektiven Muskelaufbau
Blog article

Protein-rich & vegan recipes for effective muscle building

Building muscle with a vegan diet? Absolutely! Find out how you can achieve your fitness goals with delicious and protein-rich recipes.
So schaffst du es gesund zuzunehmen – Unsere Top 7 Tipps
Blog article

How to gain weight healthily - our top 7 tips

Discover the importance of regular meals and snacks as well as targeted strength training for healthy weight gain with a vegan diet.
Der Schlüssel zum erfolgreichen Fettverlust
Blog article

Proteins: The key to successful fat loss

The secret of effective weight loss: In this blog article, we explain how protein helps to burn fat and maintain muscle at the same time.
Das Kalorien-Paradoxon: Der wahre Grund, warum Abnehmen nicht klappt
Blog article

The calorie paradox: the real reason why losing weight doesn't work

Why does weight stay the same despite a healthy diet? Here we reveal how a deeper understanding of calorie intake can help you break through the weight plateau and lose weight effectively.
Top 5 Hacks zum Abnehmen – einfach und effektiv
Blog article

Top 5 hacks for losing weight - simple & effective

In this article, you will find out how you can lose weight and lose belly fat quickly without the stress of strict diets and visits to the gym.
Als Social-Startup auf der Suche nach der nachhaltigsten Verpackung
Blog article

A social start-up in search of the most sustainable packaging

Grass carton and compostable can: Find out how we came up with our packaging and what's so special about it here.
Die Story unseres StartUps Vetain
Blog article

The Vetain Story

How did we come up with the idea of developing vegan protein powder? Not to anticipate too much: There were some good reasons! You can find out what they were here.
Pflanzliche Proteinquellen
Blog article

What are plant-based protein sources? - An overview

In this article, we provide an overview of the various plant-based protein sources. We also show you which foods contain the most plant-based protein and what the best vegan proteins are.